This question is not that straightforward.
We need to think about a data-structure to realize the O(1) operation of adding, erasing, and getting date.
Usually, we can couple a list with a hash map, just like Leetcode 146 LRU cache and 460 LFU cache.
If we know the related address, it is convenient (O(1) in time) to remove and add elements for a list. So a hash map is used to correlate the key with the address (iterator) of the element, which can give O(1) time to access the element.
Please see the code below:
class AllOne {
struct Bucket{
int val;
unordered_set<string> keys;
list<Bucket> buckets;
unordered_map<string, list<Bucket>::iterator> mp;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
AllOne() {
/** Inserts a new key <Key> with value 1. Or increments an existing key by 1. */
void inc(string key) {
if(!mp.count(key)) {
mp[key] = buckets.insert(buckets.begin(), {0, {key}});
auto nxt = mp[key], bucket = nxt++;
if(nxt == buckets.end() || nxt->val > bucket->val + 1) {//if nxt does not exit, wee need to create one
nxt = buckets.insert(nxt, {bucket->val + 1, {}});
mp[key] = nxt;
bucket->keys.erase(key);//remove key from the previous position
if(bucket->keys.empty()) buckets.erase(bucket);
/** Decrements an existing key by 1. If Key's value is 1, remove it from the data structure. */
void dec(string key) {
if(!mp.count(key)) return;
auto pre = mp[key], bucket = pre--;
if(bucket->val > 1) {
if(bucket == buckets.begin() || pre->val < bucket->val - 1) {//if pre does not exit, we need to create one
pre = buckets.insert(bucket, {bucket->val - 1, {}});
mp[key] = pre;
bucket->keys.erase(key);//remove key from the previous position
if(bucket->keys.empty()) buckets.erase(bucket);
/** Returns one of the keys with maximal value. */
string getMaxKey() {
if(buckets.empty()) return "";
return *(buckets.rbegin()->keys.begin());
/** Returns one of the keys with Minimal value. */
string getMinKey() {
if(buckets.empty()) return "";
return *(buckets.begin()->keys.begin());
* Your AllOne object will be instantiated and called as such:
* AllOne* obj = new AllOne();
* obj->inc(key);
* obj->dec(key);
* string param_3 = obj->getMaxKey();
* string param_4 = obj->getMinKey();
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